Badger, South Dakota, is an enchanting small town situated in the heart of Kingsbury County. This peaceful, rural community offers rich agricultural landscapes, emblematic of the Great Plains region. Despite its diminutive size, its populace exhibits a strong sense of community spirit and resilience typical of Midwestern towns. The surrounding areas present expansive open fields, allowing for farming and agriculture to thrive; while its serene environment offers the perfect retreat for those seeking tranquility away from bustling city life. Visitors and residents alike appreciate the town's simplicity, comforting charm, and the warm hospitality of its residents. From the grandeur of its landscapes to the grassroots community feel, Badger is a testament to rural South Dakota's enduring allure.
B & B Auto Sales is Badger's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 532 Main Avenue South, Brookings, SD 57006.